Farewell Speech Delivery Rubrics

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Farewell Speech Delivery





Very Good







The farewell speech was excellently crafted and included relevant and moving content for the viewers. The farewell speech was done well. Content was well thought of and had a significant impact to the audience. The farewell speech was okay. Content was not well thought of. It lacked substance and wasn’t able to connect to the audience. The farewell speech was poorly made. Content was not well thought of. Content had no regard for the audience. May also have offensive material.


Delivery of the farewell speech in English was flawless. Delivery of the farewell speech was done well. It had minor errors in pronunciation and/or accent within the acceptable range. Delivery of the speech had some errors that are strongly noticeable whether in accent or pronunciation. Delivery of the speech was very poor. It had a lot of mispronunciations or the wrong accent is heard.


The farewell speech was truly innovative in presenting selected events. May have used various literary devices to present the speech. The farewell speech was organized in presenting the selected events. It was easy to follow and had a no-frills flow of thought. The farewell speech had some problems in organizing the events. It was a bit confusing to follow. Events jump from one to the other without transitions. The farewell speech was a mess. The audience had a hard time following the flow of events. Organization and coherence was totally neglected.


The speaker displayed speaking skills beyond what is expected of him. There is absolute mastery of various speaking skills. The speaker displayed speaking skills that is expected from him/her. There is evidence of very good speaking skills. The speaker displayed speaking skills that is below expectations. There is a lack of mastery in some areas of various speaking techniques. The speaker displayed weak speaking skills.


The speaker had a contagious air of confidence and preparedness while remaining humble and pleasant. The speaker was generally prepared and more or less confident. The speaker had signs of nervousness or lacked in preparation. The speaker was totally unprepared.


The speaker was absolutely kind, pleasant, and obedient. He/she had shown an exemplary attitude towards her peers and teacher. The speaker was generally kind and pleasant. He/she was mostly appealing to his/her peers. He/she did not appear hostile or angsty. The speaker was a bit mean toward his/her peers. He/she carried an irate attitude that may put off the audience. The speaker was very mean and angsty in delivering his/her speech. He/she may have used curse words or has shown negativity to everyone.


The presentation was absolutely spectacular! There is nothing more to improve on! A masterpiece! The presentation was something that is expected of them. It is great, well done and one of their best. May still have room for improvement. The presentation lacked some elements of which much must be improved on. Effort is seen but more boost is needed. The presentation was mediocre, lacked effort, and is something that does not display the best. It was slipshod and done at the last minute.


  • Team gets +4 for citing one relevant Bible passage..

Fourth Year B Speech Exams Moved

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Fourth Year B! Your Speech 2nd Qtr Written and Oral Exams have been moved to 27 October, 2011 ENGLISH TIME, 2-3 PM.



Fourth Year Project Deadline is on Oct. 21

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Attention 4th Year!

Speech Project deadline is on Oct. 21, 2011 (Friday)

Please refer to the handouts I gave you for the complete details and rubric.

Below is the outline for the MEDIA PLAN that you will submit along with the output (either a print ad, radio ad, or tv ad).


Media Plan outline


Mission Statement

List your mission statement.

What role does it play in this plan?



What do you want to get out of the media or communications plan?

What are your overall organizational goals?

How do these goals and this plan support those?

Some possible goals:

• Visibility & Name Recognition for the organization

• Engaging and empowering our audiences


Target Audiences

Who is your Primary Target Audience?

Who are some Secondary audiences?


Key Messages


When you are talking to the media what are the key points you always want to hit on?


The can change depending on the issue, but there should be a few bullet points that get

slipped into every conversation.


How do you want your organization to be described? Think of a 5-10 word description

that reporters can use that isn’t biased. You might be asked to describe your organization

and your mission statement is too long. This gives you the power to mold how your

group is presented in the news.


Communications Tools


What tools are you using to spread your messages? Website? Newsletters? E-mails?

Mailings. List every outlet for communicating with audiences that you have or want to



Media list


Include any and all media contacts as an attachment to your document.




Make sure you have a way of evaluating your efforts. Will you count media clips? How

many people were reached? Come up with some ways to evaluate, and make sure some

of those evaluation indicators include numbers and stats.




Other possible items to include:

• Calendar of events

• List of potential spokespeople and their expertise areas

• Possible feature stories to pitch to the media


Good luck!