Test Your Brain! Teaser # 4



Prize: +3 points in HW and ice cream!


The Prisoner’s Escape

A clever prisoner was going to be put to death by the King for a crime he did not commit. Pleading to the King, the clever prisoner was offered a chance. The king were to put two strips of paper in a sack. One has LIFE written on it; the other DEATH. If the prisoner picked LIFE- he will be freed, but if he picks DEATH- he will be executed. Another prisoner heard of this, and out of jealousy, while the guards were asleep, he snuck out and changed one of the papers from LIFE to DEATH. In short, both papers had DEATH written on it in the sack. Surely, the clever prisoner will be put to death by morning. When morning came, the clever prisoner had to pick a paper. Before leaving the cell, the other prisoner whispered to him that he had changed both papers to DEATH. Surely, he will not survive…

Moments later, the guards arrive and told the other prisoner that the clever prisoner was freed!

The prisoner was shocked to hear it. And so are you. How did the clever prisoner do it?

First two students to post the correct answer… WINS!

Play Reminders: Second Year

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2nd Yr. Students!

Please take note of the following:

Schedule for II-A

Tues- Graded Rehearsal (all black)

Wed- AM- Written Mastery, PM-Play Presentation

Th- none

Fri- ??? (Awards Day if there will be class)

Schedule for II-B

Tues- Play Presentation (all black, all props and costumes)

Wed- Written Mastery

Th- Awards Day!

———- After this… SEM BREAK! WOOHOO! ———–

Good luck guys! Much love! 🙂

Fourth Year B Speech Exams Moved

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Fourth Year B! Your Speech 2nd Qtr Written and Oral Exams have been moved to 27 October, 2011 ENGLISH TIME, 2-3 PM.
