By: Maria Elaine Torrecampo (II-Obedience)

“My Trip to Cebu”

It all started when mama took us to Cebu because she was able to get free tickets. The view outside the plane we used was spectacular, I felt liked I could touch he clouds. When we arrived to the airport, Papa , who was working there, greeted us and took out luggage to a car he borrowed from a friend. The ride was beautiful, I saw how beautiful the city was at night, it a head. Unfortunately, my “ate” had to ruin the moment by saying that it only looks cool because tourists go through there. After reaching this small hotel and checked in, Papa told us that we were eating out. “Ate” then asked “Were going Where?”, I asked “Where is it?”, while Onin asked “What kind of restaurant is it?”, Papa only smiled and said “Just a restaurant on a hill”, It turned out to be “Mr. A’s restaurant”, a really fancy restaurant with a great view of the city! The food there was delicious! I was also able to sleep in peace that day.

After being woken up by Papa to go sight-seeing; We sit first set off to Magellan`s Cross. It was really big, but what drew my attention was the painting on the ceiling. After mass in the oldest church in Cebu, we went downstairs to it`s Museum. After that we went to a Taoist temple in Beverly Hills, Onin seemed fascinated by the lion statues in the temple, saying that it looks hungry. After that, we went back to get few things and went straight to Lapu – Lapu Park, I felt really peaceful, Although , Onin & “Ate” were more fascinated on a bunch of totem poles, lastly ,l we went to the beach and zip – lined across, It was very exciting for  me, as for my “Ate”, let’s just say zip – lining would be the last thing on her mind. The day before the last day of my trip would definitely be the most wonderful part of my trip. At first we were just driving across a few hills & mountains, I then notice that I couldn’t see any part of the city we just went to! So after a long drive and a few hours of sleeping we finally arrived to our destination. It was called “Adventure Café”, At first , looked like a little restaurant, only to find out that it was more than  that “Adventure Café” allowed people to zip – line, mama looked like she just saw her worst fear! While papa was feeling happy and proud because, while zip-lining, he did a bunch of poses while still in mid-air. Cebu brought me much happiness, it is a place worth going to, you won’t regret it.