Now this explains why I’m such a sucker for sweet things!

While reviewing the reviewer for the NAT exams for my students, I came across this interesting passage:

” The brain needs glucose, its favorite fuel — yes, for energy, but also to build neurotransmitters for cell-to-cell communication. Since the brain can’t store energy, it needs a steady supply of glucose. Small surprise, then, that boosting blood sugar stimulates the brain. Most people think and remember better after eating. That is, after eating the right things. Wake up, pad into the kitchen, down some sugary confection and you’ll get a swift lift in short term memory. But consume a breakfast of more complex carbohydrates, from which the sugar is released more steadily, and there will be positive effects on long-term as well as short-term memory.”

So the next time you feel like craving for something sweet — you should not think twice of holding back! Mwahaha! 

But not too much of course….